01.12.19 Montreuil – Semaine du Bizarre / Théâtre Berthelot
25.05.19 Leipzig – Treffpunkt e.V.
19.05.19 Berlin – Arkaoda
12.05.19 Dijon – Festival MV / Consortium
20.03.19 Karlsruhe – ZKM
19.03.19 Köln – Traumathek
15-16.03.19 Esslingen – Psych in Bloom / Komma
Imaginary musics – a film programme (2018, video, around 40 min.) is a proposition of Marie-Pierre Bonniol, also founder of Julie Tippex agency that has been presented for the first time March 2019. The programme consists on a serie of short experimental movies shot on iPhone only during the year 2018 around the theme of Imaginary musics, theme Marie-Pierre Bonniol is working on since a carte-blanche offered by Palace in St.Gallen in 2017. For this programme, she presents for the first time movies under three subthemes: the winter night in Berlin, rediscovering the spring through the bizarreness of a travel to Bourges in France, and motors and transports as allegories of certain mystical consciousness states and dynamics, especially when love is at work, under the crossed influence of W.G. Sebald, Raymond Roussel, Érik Bullot and Laida Lertxundi, the notion of lo-fi, and generally bachelor machines as described by Jean-François Lyotard or Harald Szeemann, metamorphosing “poetics into energy” through machineries.
The artist and curator, also behind many festivals, programmes and exhibitions on the weirdest themes for institutions such as the National library of Argentina in Buenos Aires or Le Lieu unique in Nantes, edits images as she would do with music tracks, using the ones and mixes of Pierre Bastien, Kraus, Lawrence (Peter Kersten), Asmus Tietchens, G.E.S. (Jan Jelinek), Gamelan Voices or Waltraud Blischke.
Recently author of a mix for on “Sounds unsaid“, but also of a poetry book on libraries published in 2018 by Derrière la salle de bains, the historical beat generation French publisher, Marie-Pierre Bonniol will present with this Imaginary musics programme her pan-european poetics, from Berlin where she lives to Marseilles where she’s from, always in transport.
Website | Booking contact | On Imaginary musics (2017)
Vimeo channel (not all videos are public, full filmography on demand)
Press photo available in download (credit : Marie-Pierre Bonniol, picture by Bruce Duncan, Berlin, 2018).
The production of this programme is supported by Musikfonds and Die Beauftragte der Bundersregierung für Kultur und Medien Deutschland.
THE FILM PROGRAMME (digital, around 40 min.)
Berlin Nuit (2018, 15:17)
Private link:
A winter diary filmed in Berlin after a stay in Buenos Aires where nature was blooming, ending with daylight and the music of Asmus Tietchens in Hamburg.
With Jan Jelinek, Cathrin Löwner, Keith Duncan, Walter Duncan, Marcus Duncan, Florian Bergmann, Benjamin Weidekamp, Christian Weidner, Frank Gratkowski, Maren Leverentz, Guillaume Ollendorff, Jean Clam, Areski Lhot.
Music by Gesellschaft zur Emanzipation des Samples (G.E.S.), Fo[u]r Alto, Hematic Sunsets.
Helga (2018, 01:06)
Private link:
Short portrait of the German musicologist Helga de la Motte-Haber at her place, complementary to Berlin Nuit.
Music by Fo[u]r Alto.
Austerlitz (2018, 02:36)
Private link:
Mysteries at Austerlitz train station in Paris.
Music by Kraus.
Bourges (2018, 00:56)
Private link:
With the sound of the Astronomical clock of Bourges’ Cathedral.
Babylone (2018, 01:15)
Private link:
Video of Babylone’s street, in the swamps, in Bourges.
Music by Kraus.
Trois moteurs (2018, 01:55)
Private link:
A poem-card for the filmmaker Érik Bullot, in three motors.
Sound recording by Palix & Ève Couturier.
Images filmed between 2014 and 2018 in Porto Alegre (Usina do Gasômetro), Pelvoux (Usine hydroélectrique des Claux) and Berlin (Deutsches Technikmuseum, Neukölln, Treptow).
Le cadre (2018, 01:20)
Private link:
On frames and impressions of places ; books, images and where they can lead us.
Filmed in Berlin-Neukölln.
Transports (2018, 15:33)
Private link:
Transports is a word used in French for transportation as well as for altered mystical consciousness states and the ones when love is at work.
With Keith, Walter and Marcus Duncan.
Music by Pierre Bastien, Narassa, Gamelan Voices, Lawrence, mix by Waltraud Blischke.
Extracts and artworks of Martin Messier, Érik Bullot, Harald Szeemann, Facteur Cheval and Pascal Quignard
Filmed in Marseilles, Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle, Bern, Sérignan-Plage, Grenoble, Porto Alegre, Freiburg im Breisgau, Sète, Hauterives, Niederfinow, Strasbourg and Berlin.
“When the eye of Deleuze and Guattari blinks, it is swollen as a lock. Their book is a displacement of voluminous waters, at times released as a torrent, at times stationary, working below, yet always moving and in waves or currents and countercurrents. What is at stake is not a significance but an energetics. The book provides nothing, it rouses a lot, it transports everything. It is a pantograph that takes electric energy on the high voltage line and transforms it into the rotation of wheels on rails, for the traveller into landscapes, into daydreams, into music, into works that are in turn transformed, destroyed, carried away. The pantograph displaces itself very quickly. This is not a book of philosophy, that is to say, of religion. Not even the religion of those who no longer believe in anything, the religion of scripture. Writing is treated rather as a machinery: let it absorb energy and let it metamorphose it into the metamorphic potential of the reader.”
— Jean-François Lyotard, extract of Energumen Capitalism, 1973.
Translation by Vlad Ionescu, Peter Milne and Herman Parret, 2019.
A programme produced by Studio Walter, in relation with Collection Morel, diffusion by Julie Tippex. Production Studio Walter, Berlin, 2018-2019, with thanks to Marlène Archer, Waltraud Blischke, Keith Duncan, Constance Legeay and Dalia Mansier for their help at different stages of the production ; the people filmed and the musicians and artists behind the tracks and artworks used. The logo Imaginary musics is from Delphine Duprat, 2017.
Some sound extracts of this programme have been broadcasted on within a podcast for Sounds Unsaid, curated by Laura Not, in September 2018 | The Sounds Unsaid podcast