Nil Hartman is only in his early thirties but already had two lives. Around 2008 with the release of his first EP he was known as Busy P (Ed Banger) new protégé, his music was played by hip [...]
Pierre Bastien et Emmanuelle Parrenin étaient vendredi les invités de l’Atelier du son sur France Culture pour leur nouvelle création qui a été en résidence à la Ferme du Buisson et dont la [...]
Pierre Bastien’s is a french gentleman born 1953 who builds his own machineries, at the cross between music and visual art, that blends live trumpet sounds with screen projections of [...]
Rock in Opposition festival (20-22 Septemer 2013, Carnaux, France) returns to 3 full days of festival and the opening of a second stage. Many groups will be present, including: Univers Zero, [...]
Starting as a side project for Cassie Ramones (Vivian Girls) and Kevin Morby (Woods), The Babies has bloomed into a full time band with the release of their second album, ‘Our House On The [...]
Yes we all do a lot of emails. Yes we all don’t listen to full lenght records as often as we want. And then, some day, some magic arrives by the post from San-Francisco, America ! This is [...]
What a crazy month has started for Etienne Jaumet and Cosmic Neman, aka Zombie Zombie… “Illuminations”, the first track from their forthcoming album Rituels D’Un Nouveau [...]
Forever rejuvenating ‘60s art-rocking synth pioneers the Silver Apples – beloved and honoured by the likes of Gallon Drunk, Moon Duo, Portishead and Stereolab (along with many others) – return [...]
[sieste] : temps de repos pris au cours de la journée , le plus souvent après le déjeuner. Il semble que l’être humain est génétiquement programmé pour faire la sieste. Contrairement aux [...]